Dental School & Center of Excellence in Morphological and Surgical Studies (CEMyQ) - Doctoral Program in Morphological Sciences
Director: Prof. Dr. Nicolás E. Ottone (MD, PhD)
The 4th International Workshop on Plastination and Anatomical Techniques will be held in the Laboratory of Plastination and Anatomical Techniques, Faculty of Dentistry and Center of Excellence in Morphological and Surgical Studies (CEMyQ), of Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. The program of the workshop will cover the standard techniques of plastination and sheet plastination (epoxy - polyester), as well as other anatomical techniques of fixation, vascular and neurotechnical injection associated with plastination.
Workshop characteristics
Course of Improvement in Plastination and Anatomical Techniques (with official certification from Universidad de La Frontera).
Duration: 85 hours (40 non-contact hours - 45 contact hours).
Hands-On: November 22 to 26, 2021.
General Objectives of the Course
To develop techniques of standard plastination with silicone, in cold and room temperature, and sheet plastination, with epoxy and polyester, together with other anatomical techniques of fixation and preservation, intravascular injections and neurotechnical stains with plastination, for the biosecure conservation of cadaverous material, for the purpose of teaching and morphological research.
Académicos del Workshop
Director: Prof. Dr. Nicolás E. Ottone (Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile).
Participating Experts:
Prof. Dr. Carlos Baptista (University of Toledo, Ohio, USA)
Prof. Dra. Telma Masuko (Universidad Federal de Bahia, Bahia, Brasil)
Prof. Dr. Rafael Latorre (Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, España)
Prof. Dr. Santiago Aja Guardiola (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México)
Workshop value: $ 900,000 Chilean pesos - 1,200 american dollars. Value includes: registration to the workshop, official UFRO certification, bag, materials, protocol manuals, plastinated material generated in the course, lunches and coffees. Biannual Membership International Society for Plastination.
To reserve your place, it is important to pay the cost of registration, because the places are limited.
Payments via electronic transfer must be:
On behalf of: Universidad de La Frontera
RUT: 87.912.900-1
Bank: Santander
Current Account Number: 5797179-7
Send Bank transfer receipt to: angela.mardones@ufrontera.cl
Payment by credit card, by www.webpay.cl (instructive)